A planet does not emit at a SINGLE temperature
It was very much mistakenly asserted:
"If you take the average temperature of the earth, you can find the resulting blackbody spectrum."
We have already demonstrated in the HOME PAGE and elswhere in this site that two planets with the same mean surface temperature (Tmean) may emit, on the average surface area, may emit dramatically different amounts of INFRARED radiative energy.
Please see the Moon-Mars comparison data, also see the planet Jupiter's satellites Io - Ganymede Tmean (110K & 110K).
Therefore, the planet average surface temperature (Tmean) cannot refer to any kind of the planet average surface the INFRARED radiative energy spectrum!
I would like to focus here on the issue of the Infrared Spectrum Of The Earth.
A planet emits infrared radiation, when in a radiative energy equilibrium, a planet emits on a constant rate of
Energy out = Energy in
Also a planet has its average surface temperature (Tmean), for Earth it is estimated as Tmean.earth =288K
A planet does not emit at its average surface temperature (Tmean).
Therefore, a planet's average surface temperature (Tmean) cannot be associated with any kind of planet surface Infrared Emission Spectrum!
A planet does not emit at a single temperature
Jemit = σT⁴ W/m²
Earth does not emit
σ(Τmean.earth)⁴= σ*(288)⁴ W/m²
Consequently, the satellite measured infrared (frequency-by-frequency) for some local place the measured infrared emission curve cannot be compared with the planet average surface temperature the alleged (blackbody) emission curve, because there is not any such emission curve, since planet does not emit at its average surface temperature.
They have confused the emission curves comparison with the emission comparison in the case of stars.
They neglect a very important difference stars and planets have!
Stars have a uniform surface temperature, whereas planets have average surface temperature...
And stars have their own inner infinite source of energy, when planets emit the radiative energy falling and interacting upon their surface.
Below we demonstrate (some two of the many paradigms in internet) of the unfortunate earth's infrared emission curves comparisons with the earth's alleged blackbody 288K infrared emission curve.
In those unfortunate comparisons the gaps (the missing radiative energy) is attributed to the greenhouse gases radiative energy absorption bands.
What we notice here is that there is not any such absorption take place, because we are not justified to compare those curves!
Actually, there is not any measured emission from earth's surface on those frequencies which is then being absorbed...
Atmospheric gases cannot absorb, what is not emitted by the Earth's surface!
Link 1:"Simulated emission spectrum of the Earth's atmosphere in the zenith..."
Link 2: "The Infrared Spectrum Of The Earth - Origin of Life - Fossil Hunters"
"The Infrared Spectrum Of The Earth
Last Updated on Sun, 11 Dec 2022| Origin of Life
Figure 13.4 shows the infrared emission spectrum of the Earth, as seen from space. This is not the spectrum obtained by the Galileo spacecraft but a much more detailed one obtained by the Nimbus-4 satellite in the 1970s. This particular spectrum was acquired in daytime above the western Pacific Ocean, and has been chosen because it resembles the sort of spectrum that would be obtained from a cloud-free Earth from a great distance, when the light from the whole planet would enter the spectrometer. The vertical scale shows the power emitted from the Earth at each wavelength (note that the wavelength scale is logarithmic - see Section 11.2).
There are several smooth curves, each labelled with a temperature. These correspond to emission from a surface that is black at infrared wavelengths, and has temperatures equal to those shown. There is also a jagged curve displaying much detail. This is the infrared power emitted by the Earth. It is the detail in frequency in millions of megahertz frequency in millions of megahertz wavelength in micrometers."
The non-linearity of the S-B radiation law, when coupled with a strong latitudinal variation of the INTERACTED solar flux across the surface of a sphere, and with the planet rate of rotation, and with the average surface specific heat, creates a mathematical condition for a correct calculation of the true global surface temperature from a spatially integrated infrared emission.
Jemit = 4πr²σΤmean⁴ /(β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ (W)
Jemit (W) - is the INFRARED emission flux from the entire planet (the TOTAL)
r - is the planet radius
σ = 5,67*10⁻⁸ W/m²K⁴, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant
β = 150 days*gr*oC/rotation*cal - is the Solar Irradiated Planet INTERACTING-Emitting Universal Law constant – ( the Rotational Warming Factor constant ).
N - rotation /per day, is planet’s rate of rotation with reference to the sun in earthen days. Earth's day equals 24 hours= 1 earthen day.
cp - cal/gr*oC- is the planet average surface specific heat
Planet Energy Budget
When planet surface is in radiative equilibrium, planet energy balance should be met: Energy In = Energy Out
Jnot.reflected = Jemit
πr²Φ(1-a)S (W) - is on the entire planet surface the not reflected portion (the TOTAL not reflected) of the incident on planet surface solar flux
Φ - is the planet surface solar irradiation accepting factor (the planet surface spherical shape and the planet surface roughness coefficient).
a - is the planet average surface Albedo (Bond)
S - W/m² - the solar flux at the planet's average distance from the sun.
πr²Φ(1-a)S = 4πr²σTmean⁴ /(β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ (W)
Tmean.planet = [ Φ (1-a) S (β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ /4σ ]¹∕ ⁴ (K) (3)
The Tmean.planet equation uses solar flux, because the stronger the solar energy upon the planet surface – the higher the planet average surface temperature (and it is an obvious observation).
The difference with equation
Te = [(1-a) S /4σ ]¹∕ ⁴ (K) (1)
is that the solar flux is not averaged over the entire planet surface. Thus the (Tmean) is not the planet surface uniform temperature as the (Te) is, but the average surface temperature.
The equation (1) uses the instrument for transforming flux into temperature
T = (S /σ)¹∕ ⁴
It is valid on the uniform temperature surfaces.
Also it is valid for the infinitesimal small points at infinitesimal small instants of time (so we accept each point has its respective uniform temperature).
When interacting with planet surface the solar SW radiative energy on the same very instant does the following: 1). Gets partly SW reflected (diffusely and specularly). 2). Gets partly transformed into the LW radiative emission - the IR emission energy. 3). Gets partly transformed into HEAT, which is accumulated in the inner layers.
The Rotating Planet Spherical Surface Solar Irradiation Interacting-Emitting Universal Law
Here it is the ENTIRE planet surface IR emittance Universal Law
Jemit = 4πr²σΤmean⁴ /(β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ (W)
The solar irradiated rotating sphere (planet) does not emit as a uniform temperature sphere. A planet does not emit in accordance to the classical Stefan-Boltzmann emission law.
4πr²σΤmean⁴ (W) No, planet does not emit at the single temperature Tmean.
Yes, the solar irradiated rotating sphere (planet) emits as a rotating planet in accordance with both, the classical Stefan-Boltzmann emission law and the Newly discovered Planet Surface Rotational Warming Phenomenon.
4πr²σΤmean⁴ /(β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ (W)
Let's continue...
Planet Energy Budget:
Jnot.reflected = Jemit
πr²Φ(1-a)S= 4πr²σTmean⁴ /(β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ (W)
Tmean.planet = [ Φ (1-a) S (β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ /4σ ]¹∕ ⁴ (K)
Planet Energy Budget:
The Amount of Solar energy for further INTERACTION on a Hemisphere with radius "r", after some of the incident energy instantly reflected is:
Jnot.reflected = πr²Φ(1-a)S (W)
What we have now is the following:
Jsw.incoming - Jsw.reflected = Jsw.not.reflected
Φ = (1 - 0,53) = 0,47
Φ = 0,47
Φ is the planet's spherical surface solar irradiation accepting factor.
Jsw.reflected = (0,53 + Φ*a) * Jsw.incoming
Jsw.not.reflected = Φ* (1-a) * Jsw.incoming
(0,53 + Φ*a) + Φ* (1-a) = 0,53 + Φ*a + Φ - Φ*a =
= 0,53 + Φ = 0,53 + 0,47 = 1
The solar irradiation reflection, when integrated over a planet sunlit hemisphere is:
Jsw.reflected = (0,53 + Φ*a) * Jsw.incoming
Jsw.reflected = (0,53 + Φ*a) *S *π r²
For a planet with albedo a = 0
we shall have
Jsw.reflected = (0,53 + Φ*0) *S *π r² =
= Jsw.reflected = 0,53 *S *π r²
The fraction left for hemisphere to INTERACT WITH is:
Φ = 1 - 0,53 = 0,47
Jnot.reflected = Φ (1 - a ) S π r²
The factor Φ = 0,47 "translates" the "not reflected" of a disk into the "not reflected" of a hemisphere with the same radius. When covering a disk with a hemisphere of the same radius the hemisphere's surface area is 2π r². The incident Solar energy on the hemisphere's area is the same as on disk:
Jdirect = π r² S
The "not reflected" Solar energy by the hemisphere's area of 2π r² is:
Jnot.reflected = 0,47*( 1 - a) π r² S
It happens because a hemisphere of the same radius "r" "not reflects" only the 0,47 part of the directly incident on the disk of the same radius Solar irradiation.
In spite of hemisphere having twice the area of the disk, it "not reflects" only the 0,47 part of the directly incident on the disk Solar irradiation.
Jnot.reflected = Φ (1 - a ) S π r² , where Φ = 0,47 for smooth without atmosphere planets.
Φ = 1 for gaseous planets, as Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Venus, Titan. Gaseous planets do not have a surface to reflect radiation. The solar irradiation is captured in the thousands of kilometers gaseous abyss. The gaseous planets have only the albedo "a".
And Φ = 1 for heavy cratered planets, as Calisto and Rhea ( not smooth surface planets, without atmosphere ). The heavy cratered planets have the ability to capture the incoming light in their multiple craters and canyons. The heavy cratered planets have only the albedo "a".
Another thing that I should explain is that planet's albedo actually doesn't represent a primer reflection. It is a kind of a secondary reflection ( a homogenous dispersion of light also out into space ).
That light is visible and measurable and is called albedo.
The primer reflection from a spherical hemisphere cannot be seen from some distance from the planet. It can only be seen by an observer being on the planet's surface.
It is the blinding surface reflection right in the observer's eye.
That is why the albedo "a" and the factor "Φ" we consider as different values.
Both of them, the albedo "a" and the factor "Φ" cooperate in the Planet Rotating Surface Solar Irradiation Absorbing-Emitting Universal Law:
Jsw.incoming - Jsw.reflected = Jsw.not.reflected
Jsw.not.reflected = Φ * (1-a) * Jsw.incoming
Total energy emitted to space from entire planet:
Jemit = A*σΤmean⁴ /(β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ (W)
Α - is the planet's surface (m²)
(β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ - dimensionless, is a Rotating Planet Surface Solar Irradiation Warming Factor
A = 4πr² (m²), where r – is the planet's radius
Jemit = 4πr²σTmean⁴ /(β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ (W)
global Jabs = global Jemit
πr²Φ(1-a)S = 4πr²σTmean⁴ /(β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴
Or after eliminating πr²
Φ(1-a)S = 4σTmean⁴ /(β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴
Solving for Tmean we obtain the Planet Mean Surface Temperature Equation:
Tmean.planet = [ Φ (1-a) S (β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ /4σ ]¹∕ ⁴ (K)
β = 150 days*gr*oC/rotation*cal – is a Rotating Planet Surface Solar Irradiation INTERACTING-Emitting Universal Law constant – ( the Rotational Warming Factor constant ).
N rotations/day, is the planet’s axial spin
cp – is the planet surface specific heat
cp.earth = 1 cal/gr*oC, it is because Earth has a vast ocean. Generally speaking almost the whole Earth’s surface is wet. We can call Earth a Planet Ocean.
Here (β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ - is a dimensionless Rotating Planet Surface Solar Irradiation Warming Factor
σ = 5,67*10⁻⁸ W/m²K⁴, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant
Rotating Planet Spherical Surface Solar Irradiation Interacting-Emitting Universal Law:
Jemit = 4πr²σΤmean⁴/(β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ (W)
The year-round averaged energy flux at the top of the Earth's atmosphere is Sο = 1.361 W/m².
With an albedo of a = 0,306 and a factor Φ = 0,47 we have Tmean.earth = 287,74 K or 15°C.
This temperature is confirmed by the satellites measured Tmean.earth = 288 K.
When interacting with planet surface the solar SW radiative energy on the same very instant does the following:
1). Gets partly SW reflected (diffusely and specularly).
2). Gets partly transformed into the LW radiative emission - the IR emission energy.
3). Gets partly transformed into HEAT, which is accumulated in the inner layers.
Jemit = 4πr²σΤmean⁴ /(β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ (W)
The Rotating Planet Surface Solar Irradiation Interacting-Emitting Universal Law is based on a simple thought.
It is based on the thought, that physical phenomenon which distracts the "black body" surfaces from the instant emitting the absorbed solar radiative energy back to space, warms the "black body" surfaces up.
In our case those distracting physical phenomena are the planet’s sidereal rotation, N rotations/day, and the planet’s surface specific heat, cp cal/gr oC.
The faster a planet rotates (n2>n1) the higher is the planet’s average (mean) temperature T↑mean:
Tmin↑→ T↑mean ← T↓max
The S-B emission law cannot be applied neither to the planet solar lit side, nor to the planet darkside.
"Nothing, other than the absorbed radiation is what warms the matter to some (local) temperature, which, along with the matter properties, determines the Planck spectrum and S-B flux of the outgoing thermal radiation."
Well, the planet's dark side cools by emitting to space IR radiation. The dark side's surface heat is the energy source of that IR EM energy emission.
There are not enough thermal energy (heat) at darkside terrestrial temperatures to support the S-B equation emission demands for the darkside respective surface temperatures.
Thus, the outgoing IR EM energy flux from the planet darkside is much-much weaker than what S-B equation predicts for those local temperatures.
On the planet's solar lit side an interaction of the incident EM energy with surface's matter occurs.
Part of the incident SW EM energy gets reflected (diffusely and specularly).
Another SW part gets instantly transformed into outgoing IR EM energy, and gets out to space.
When SW EM energy gets transformed into IR EM energy, there are always some inevitable energy losses, which dissipate as heat in the interacting surface's matter and gets absorbed in the matter's inner layers.
The S-B emission law cannot be applied neither to the planet solar lit side, nor to the planet darkside.
But the Planet Mean Surface Temperature Theoretical Equation is based on different than the Planet Blackbody Effective Temperature (Te and Te.correct) physics principles.
“Then why isn't the non-spinning Moon
at 0 Kelvin?”
Good question. Here it is what happens. Moon doesn’t rotate about its own axis, but nevertheless, Moon orbits Earth, and by orbiting Earth there is a diurnal cycle (the day-night change) the solar irradiated and the dark periods on Moon’s surface.
For the cause of my research it doesn’t matter if Moon rotates on its own axis. What matters is Moon actually having a sunrise and a sundown, like Earth and all other planets and moons in solar system have.
And everywhere else in the Universe, planets and moons, since they orbiting their respective mother star, all of them have the succession of day and night, all of them have diurnal cycle – because when an object in space orbits a star, inevitably all the sides of the object get subjected to the EM energy interaction processes.
”So it’s not about spin at all.
What you are saying is that objects with a shorter diurnal period have a higher average temperature than objects with a longer diurnal period.
Whether the diurnal period is due to spin, orbital period, tidal locking or some combination of factors does not matter.”
Yes, exactly – everything else equals – “objects with a shorter diurnal period have a higher average temperature than objects with a longer diurnal period”.
"Since the mean solar day is determined by a combination of axial rotation and orbital motion you need to change your notation from rotation to mean solar day wherever you mention rotation."
Yes, I have changed it for planet Mercury, and for our Moon, because for those bodies the combination of axial rotation and orbital motion creates a significant difference to mean solar day.
For the rest planets and moons the combination of axial rotation and orbital motion doesn't create a difference to mean solar day of some significance.
The difference, for the case of my research is very insignificant, except for the above mentioned planet Mercury and our Moon.
A black body, by definition, has uniform surface temperature.
Also a blackbody, by definition, is already warmed at some temperature body. When emitting, a blackbody has a steady temperature, which is supported by an unlimited inner energy source.
A blackbody is not supposed to get warmed by any kind of incident on it radiation. A blackbody, by definition, simply absorbs all incident on it radiation (it is a not reflecting body).
But that's it. When a blackbody absorbs the incident on it radiation, by definition, nothing happens to the blackbody's surface temperature.
The planet effective temperature Te (the planet equilibrium temperature) is at first approximation temperature of the planetary surface.
The Te is a mathematical abstraction, the Te approximates planetary temperatures without-atmosphere, because of its original mathematical definition.
The Te formula assumes planets behave as blackbodies, which is a wrong assumption, because planets and moons actually are not blackbodies.
The theoretical blackbody is an already warmed at certain temperature surface.
A blackbody is not getting warmed by the incident on its surface EM irradiance, because a blackbody is defined without being a materialistic object.
So, there is not any atoms to interact with the incoming solar energy on the blackbody's surface.
By definition, a blackbody absorbs all the incident on its surface EM radiation (by this implying that blackbody doesn't reflect, by this implying that blackbody's outgoing EM energy is purely determined only by its surface's absolute temperature in fourth power).
There is not any mention of the incident EM energy somehow affecting (warming) the blackbody's surface.
So, the Te is a mathematical abstraction, which can be considered only as at first (and very much erroneous) approximation of the planetary average surface temperature Tmean.
The Planet (or moon) Blackbody Equilibrium Temperature, it is also called "The planet (or moon) Effective Temperature (Te)", it is a very Simplistic Science.
The planet (or moon) Effective Temperature estimation, which is a purely theoretical, it is based only on two major planetary surface parameters:
1). The solar flux (S) - which is the solar EM energy intensity on the planet's orbital distance from the sun.
2). The planet's average Albedo (a) - the diffuselly reflected part of incoming solar energy.
The not reflected solar energy is then being averaged over the entire planet surface.
And by the use of Stefan-Boltzmann emission law, the Planet Effective Temperature (Te) is being calculated.
As a result we have the planet uniform surface temperature (Te), which is a very approximate theoretical temperature.
So far - so good! But what happens next?
It is proclaimed then, that the planet Effective Temperature (Te), the theoretically calculated temperature, is the maximum temperature a planet without-atmosphere can reach, because there is a mathematical constraint.
What we have discovered is that the planet Effective Temperature (Te) is not the maximum temperature a planet (or moon) without-atmosphere can reach, because by solar EM energy warmed celestial bodies temperatures are not mathematically constrained.
Planets and moons also have other three major planetary surface parameters, which have been neglected, namely:
3). Rate of rotation (N) - rot/day.
4). Average surface specific heat (cp) - cal/grad*oC.
5). The solar irradiation accepting factor (Φ) - (the planet surface spherical shape and the planet surface roughness coefficient).
"Kuhn postulated that in the usual state of affairs there is general agreement to a group of core beliefs that structure people's theories, that's a paradigm, and the work done within it he called normal science.
The current paradigm for climate change is the CO2 driven anthropogenic global warming theory.
If you want to change how the scientists think and what the teachers teach, you need a new paradigm.
You won’t get anyone to accept a new paradigm just by saying the evidence is wrong. You need to find a new idea which explains the existing evidence better than CO2 AGW does."
Let’s not confuse Kuhn’s work on paradigms with the attempted anthropogenic paradigm. Kuhn’s work criticized the use of paradigms as being detrimental to science. That’s exactly what the anthropogenic theory is doing to science, imposing consensus in an attempt to subvert accepted science.
In March we have the same solar hours duration as in September.
The sun shines from the same high.
In September is much warmer at night, we still wear short sleeves.
But not in March. In March at nights is cold, in March at nights is cold, it is unpleasant even to stay outdoors at night.
Solar energy gets accumulated slowly. Also it gets slowly released to space. When there are more solar hours – at summer - gradually more solar energy has kept.
It is not the atmosphere, it is the land and it is the water which accumulate heat.
And it is final – Earth is warmer than Moon, not because of its atmosphere, but because of the
Planet Surface Rotational Warming Phenomenon.
1. Earth's Without-Atmosphere Mean Surface Temperature Calculation.
R = 1 AU, is the Earth's distance from the sun in astronomical units (R = 150.000.000 km, which is Earth's average distance from the sun).
Earth’s albedo: aearth= 0,306
Albedo is defined as the diffuse reflected portion of the incident on planet surface solar flux.
Earth is a smooth rocky planet, Earth’s surface solar irradiation accepting factor is:
Φearth= 0,47
Φ - is the planet surface solar irradiation accepting factor (the planet surface spherical shape and the planet surface roughness coefficient).
Φ(1 - a) - is the planet surface coupled term (it represents the NOT REFLECTED portion of the incident on planet surface solar flux, it is the portion of solar flux which gets in INTERACTION processes with the planet surface).
β = 150 days*gr*oC/rotation*cal – ( the Rotational Warming Factor constant ).
N = 1 rotation /per day, is Earth’s rate of rotation in reference to the sun. Earth's day equals 24 hours= 1 earthen day.
cp.earth = 1 cal/gr*oC, it is because Earth has a vast ocean. Generally speaking almost the whole Earth’s surface is wet.
We can call Earth a Planet Ocean.
σ = 5,67*10⁻⁸ W/m²K⁴, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant
So = 1.361 W/m² (So is the Solar constant) the solar flux at the Earth's average distance from the sun.
Earth’s Without-Atmosphere Mean Surface Temperature Equation Tmean.earth is:
Tmean.earth = [ Φ (1-a) So (β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ /4σ ]¹∕ ⁴
Τmean.earth = [ 0,47(1-0,306)1.361 W/m²(150 days*gr*oC/rotation*cal *1rotations/day*1 cal/gr*oC)¹∕ ⁴ /4*5,67*10⁻⁸ W/m²K⁴ ]¹∕ ⁴ =
Τmean.earth = [ 0,47(1-0,306)1.361 W/m²(150*1*1)¹∕ ⁴ /4*5,67*10⁻⁸ W/m²K⁴ ]¹∕ ⁴ =
Τmean.earth = ( 6.854.905.906,50 )¹∕ ⁴ =
Tmean.earth = 287,74 Κ
And we compare it with the
Tsat.mean.earth = 288 K, measured by satellites.
These two temperatures, the calculated one, and the measured by satellites are almost identical.
2. Moon’s Mean Surface Temperature calculation.
Surface temp..Tmin..Tmean..Tmax Kelvin
So = 1.361 W/m² (So is the Solar constant)
Moon’s albedo: amoon = 0,11
Moon’s sidereal rotation period in reference to the stars is 27,32 earthen days. But Moon also orbits sun, so the lunar day is 29,5 earthen days.
Moon does
N = 1/29,5 rotations/per day
Moon is a rocky planet, Moon’s surface irradiation accepting factor Φmoon = 0,47
(Accepted by a Smooth Hemisphere with radius r sunlight is S* Φ*π*r²*(1-a), where Φ = 0,47)
cp.moon = 0,19cal/gr oC, moon’s surface specific heat (moon’s surface is considered as a dry soil)
β = 150 days*gr*oC/rotation*cal – ( the Rotational Warming Factor constant ).
σ = 5,67*10⁻⁸ W/m²K⁴, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
Moon’s Mean Surface Temperature Equation Tmean.moon:
Tmean.moon = [ Φ (1 - a) So (β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ /4σ ]¹∕ ⁴
Tmean.moon = { 0,47 (1 - 0,11) 1.361 W/m² [150* (1/29,5)*0,19]¹∕ ⁴ /4*5,67*10⁻⁸ W/m²K⁴ }¹∕ ⁴ =
Tmean.moon = ( 2.488.581.418,96 )¹∕ ⁴ = 223,35 K
Tmean.moon = 223,35 Κ
The newly calculated Moon’s Mean Surface Temperature differs only by 1,54% from that measured by satellites!
Tsat.mean.moon = 220 K, measured by satellites.
3. Mars’ Mean Surface Temperature calculation.
Surface temp..Tmin..Tmean..Tmax
(1/R²) = (1/1,524²) = 1/2,32
Mars has 2,32 times less solar irradiation intensity than Earth has
Mars’ albedo: amars = 0,25
Mars performs 1 rotation every 1,028 day
For Mars
N = 1 /1,028 = 0,9728 rotations /day (or 0,9728 marsian day /per an earthen day)
Mars is a rocky planet, Mars’ surface irradiation accepting factor: Φmars = 0,47
cp.mars = 0,18cal/gr oC, on Mars’ surface is prevalent the iron oxide.
β = 150 days*gr*oC/rotation*cal – ( the Rotational Warming Factor constant ).
σ = 5,67*10⁻⁸ W/m²K⁴, the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
Mars' Mean Surface Temperature Equation is:
Tmean.mars = [ Φ (1-a) So (1/R²) (β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ /4σ ]¹∕ ⁴
Tmean.mars = [ 0,47 (1-0,25) 1.361 W/m²*(1/2,32)*(150*0,9728*0,18)¹∕ ⁴ /4*5,67*10⁻⁸ W/m²K⁴ ]¹∕ ⁴ =
=( 2.066.635.457,46 )¹∕ ⁴ = 213,21 K
Tmean.mars = 213,21 K
The calculated Mars’ mean surface temperature
Tmean.mars = 213,21 K is only by 1,53% higher than that measured by satellites
Tsat.mean.mars = 210 K !
In the Graph the cause and effect move in the same direction.
The Graph Ratio of Measured Planet Temperature to Corrected Blackbody Temperature (Tsat /Te.correct), as a Quasi-LINEAR function of the Rotational Warming Factor = (β*N*cp)1/16
Table 1. Comparison of Predicted (Tmean) vs. Measured (Tsat) Temperature for All Planets and moons in solar system
Tmean = [ Φ (1-a) S (β*N*cp)1/4 /4σ ]1/4 (K) (3)
Table 1. Comparison of Predicted vs. Measured Temperature for All Planets
Distance Flux Factor Bond rot /day surface cal /gr.°C Warming.Factor °K °K °K °K
( AU ) ( W/m² ) Φ Albedo N Spin Type Cp (β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ Te Te.correct Tmean Tsat
Mercury 0,387 9082,7 0,47 0,068 0,00568 basalt 0,20 0,64250 439,6 364,0 325,83 340
Venus 0,723 2601,3 1 0,77 60/243 gases 0,19 1,6287 226,6 255,98 - 737
Earth 1,0 1361 0,47 0,306 1,0 ocean 1 3,4996 254 210 287,74 288
Moon 1,0 1361 0,47 0,11 0,0339 regolith 0,19 0,99141 270,4 224 223,35 220
Mars 1,524 586,4 0,47 0,25 0,9728 rock 0,18 2,26495 209,8 174 213,11 210
Ceres 2,77 177,38 1 0,09 2,645 ice 1 4,463 162,9 162,9 236 -
Jupiter 5,20 50,37 1 0,503 2,417 gases - - 102 102 - 165 at 1 bar level
Io 5,20 50,37 1 0,63 0,5559 rock 0,145 1,8647 95,16 95,16 111,55 110
Europa 5,20 50,37 0,47 0,63 0,2816 ice 1 2,5494 95,16 78,83 99,56 102
Ganymede 5,20 50,37 0,47 0,41 0,1398 ice 1 2,14 107,08 88,59 107,14 110
Calisto 5,20 50,37 1 0,22 0,0599 ice 1 1,7313 114,66 114,66 131,52 134±11
Saturn 9,58 14,84 1 0,342 2,273 gases - - 81 81 - 134 at 1 bar level
Enceladus 9,58 14,84 1 0,85 0,7299 ice 1 3,2347 55,97 55,97 75,06 75
Tethys 9,58 14,84 1 0,70 0,52971 ice 1 2,9856 66,55 66,55 87,48 86 ± 1
Titan 9,58 14,84 1 0,22 0,06289 gases 0,4980 1,47223 84,52 84,52 93,10 93,7
Uranus 19,22 3,687 1 0,30 1,389 gases - - 58 MM * - - 76 at 1 bar level
Neptune 30,33 1,48 1 0,29 1,493 gases - - 46,4 46,4 - 72 at 1 bar level
Triton 30,33 1,48 0,47 (?) 0,76 0,17021 rock 0,4116 1,800 35,4 29,29 33,92 38
2) Triton 30,33 1,48 1 (?) 0,76 0,17021 rock 0,4116 1,800 35,4 35,4 40,97 38
Pluto 39,48 0,874 1 0,50 0,1565 rock 0,248 1,5533 37 37 41,6 44
Charon 39,48 0,874 1 0,2 0,1565 ice 1 2,2014 41,90 41,90 51,04 53
We are not justified to use the SB emission law backwards.
"... a proper calculation of the mean physical temperature of an
airless celestial body (Tna) requires an explicit integration
of the SB law over the planet surface. This means first
taking the 4th root of the absorbed shortwave flux at every
point on the planet and then averaging the resulting
temperature field across the entire surface rather
than calculating a single temperature from the globally averaged absorbed solar flux as done in Eq. (3)."
"... first taking the 4th root of the absorbed shortwave flux at every point on the planet..."
But we are not justified to use the SB emission law backwards,
because the SB emission law cannot be applied as the EM energy an absorption law.
But you use it backwards twice in your “theory” to obtain 4th and 16th roots.
“But you use it backwards twice in your “theory” to obtain 4th and 16th roots.”
When obtaining 4th and 16th roots, it is not the backwards SB emission law.
Te = [(1-a) S /4σ ]^1/4 (K) (1)
Recognize that?
Of course, but in the Planet Mean Surface Equation it is:
Tmean = Te.correct *(β*N*cp)^1/16
Tmean = [Φ(1-a) S /4σ ]^1/4 *(β*N*cp)^1/16 (K)
So, the Te is only a part of the Tmean equation.
Or, in other words, Tmean is the Te.correct ( the backwards SB ),
but it is multiplied by a factor = (β*N*cp)^1/16.
The climate crisis has become one of the most important challenges facing humanity.
October 18, 2024
"The climate crisis has become one of the most important challenges facing humanity, which is confirmed by scientific research, the conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the international community with the Paris Agreement in 2015.
The main goal of the Paris Agreement is to ensure that global temperatures do not rise by more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels and try not to exceed 1.5°C.
The European Union has set itself the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% in the short term by 2030."
The global temperature inevitably will continue to rise, no matter what measures are taken to reduce the fossil fuels burning.
The global rise of temperature is a naturally occured phenomenon.
The temperature rises because it is orbitally forced.
All planets and moons in our Solar system get irradiated with the same set of EM frequencies.
The solar flux’s intensity received (W/m²) differs according to the distance from sun the square inverse law.
But the different planets’ and moons’ surfaces interact with the same (the originated from the same source of EM energy – from our sun), they interact with the same set of EM frequencies.
So, the sun’s unique set of EM frequencies is a common feature in all planets and moons surface temperatures response.
There is a thought to be taken into consideration.
If EM energy strikes a totally reflective surface in space, it is reflected without heating the surface.
In an atmosphere, if a convective current strikes a surface, the surface is heated. With heat, there is a transfer of that heat to the surface.
In either case, W/m² refers to heat only. In the atmosphere, heat will be transferred as watts/metre squared. However, with a totally reflected surface 0 W/m² is transferred, so can the EM be rated in W/m²?
W/m² is a measure of heat in this case, even though the natural measure of heat is the calorie. The watt, an electrical measure, with an equivalent in mechanical work, is not the natural measure of heat.
So, how EM energy can be measured, as energy, in W/m²? It can offer a potential heating but as EM energy there is no heat in it.
The moment the EM energy emission is created at the surface, the associated heat is lost. That is, the infrared energy is created at the expense of thermal energy W/m².
Now, the moment the incident SW solar EM energy W/m² is transformed into LW outgoing IR emitted energy W/m², at the process there is not a thermal energy spent.
The outgoing IR emitted energy W/m² can offer a potential heating but as EM energy there is no heat in it.
The incident on surface SW EM energy transformation into the LW outgoing IR EM energy is a different physics process, than the at the surface EM energy creation at the expense of thermal energy W/m².
The EM energy has no heat.
Yes. Tyndal and Stefan measured the electric current warming the platinum filament. When filament in temperature equilibrium, they rightly asserted the provided to filament electric energy, which made filament glowing hot, that energy was transformed to outgoing radiative energy.
The filamet’s surface, at certain temperature, was emitting the same W of energy it was supplied.
When averaged over the filament’s surface the radiative emission intensity concludes in W/m².
The EM energy has no heat. The same with coal and oil and nat. gas have no heat, but when burned they release heat, so there is the equivalent heat.
- radiation does not have a temperature or a temperature equivalent -
The by a surface the EM energy reflection process should also be considered as the EM energy/surface interaction process.
When EM energy hits a surface, the not reflected portion of EM energy doesn’t as a whole get absorbed in the surface.
It induces a skin surface layers reaction, by transforming the SW incident to IR outgoing EM energy.
The outgoing IR EM energy is measured as the surface IR emission, which corresponds to the calibrated temperature measurements, but the intensive IR emission is present only while the surface receiving the incident SW EM energy.
As soon as surface has no sun – the IR emission weakens, because the actual temperature of the surface is much lower than the temperature induced on the skin layer.
Only a small amount of the not reflected portion of the incident Solar energy is absorbed in surface’s inner layers.
Then, the amount of energy that is absorbed, it is gradually IR emitted too.
Let’s say then, when solar irradiated, the surface should intensify its IR emission ratio at the very instant of irradiation.
When surface has a lower thermal capacity, when solar irradiated, surface will intensify emitting more intensively, because it gets warmed at higher temperatures.
And when surface has a higher thermal capacity, surface will, when solar irradiated, surface also will intensify emitting, but less intensively, because it gets warmed at lower temperatures.
Effective Temperature (Te) cannot be used to estimate the magnitude of the planetary atmospheric greenhouse effect.
At the instant surface is EM energy irradiated, surface already was emitting IR EM energy by consuming its already present inner heat, by transforming heat’s energy into EM energy.
When incident SW EM energy, the not reflected portion of incident SW EM energy on the very instant of incidence inevitably gets to interact with surface’s matter.
The incident SW EM energy adds energy towards the surface. And surface instantly responces to that.
What we observe is the surface getting warmer.
Also, the surface’s IR EM energy emission intensifies.
This IR EM energy emission intensification, it is not happening from the surfaces inner heat consumption, but from the incident SW EM energy added.
The not reflected portion of the incident SW EM energy on the planet surface is not entirely absorbed in surface’s inner layers.
That is why the not reflected portion of the incident SW EM energy on the planet surface cannot be averaged over the entire global surface – a substantial part has never been absorbed.
Thus, the theoretical (the uniform surface) planet Effective Temperature (Te) is a mathematical abstraction without even a physical basis.
Thus the Effective Temperature (Te) cannot be used, by comparison to the average surface temperature, it cannot be used to estimate the magnitude of the planetary atmospheric greenhouse effect.
It is not the air temperature that makes the soil to freeze.
Also, we know, that there are vast areas on Earth covered with permafrost.
If the atmospheric greenhouse warming effect was real, permafrost shouldn't have been there.
"Around 15% of the Northern Hemisphere or 11% of the global surface is underlain by permafrost,[5] covering a total area of around 18 million km2 (6.9 million sq mi).[6] This includes large areas of Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and Siberia. "
The rising temperatures melt some of the permafrost coverage, allright.
But the very existence of permafrost testifies against the atmospheric greenhouse warming effect.
And, a 1,5 °C rise of the global air temperature of course doesn’t thaw glaciers.
"To maintain permafrost the annual average temperature must be -2 °C or lower."
Of course, at the places where the permafrost is maintained, the air temperature would be low enough.
But it is not the air temperature that makes the soil to freeze.