What instead we observe, is Earth’s surface gradual warming

The angle of the Earth’s axis is important because when it is minimal the Arctic circles lessen and strong radiation is concentrated in the tropics.

“The position of the Arctic Circle is not fixed and currently runs 66° 33′48″ north of the equator. Its latitude depends on the Earth’s axial tilt, which oscillates by more than 2° over 41,000 years.” ”

About 9800 years ago, the Sun strongly heated the Earth under the influence of orbital forcing. This was the period of the so-called Holocene optimum. At that time, a very warm Atlantic period prevailed. Nine thousand years ago, the maximum angle of inclination of the planetary axis was about 24.5 degrees. Since then it has been slowly decreasing over the millennia, until now.

Currently, it has not yet reached half of the decline. It stands at 23.4 degrees. Only in less than 12 thousand years will the tilt of the Earth’s axis be at its lowest. It will then be

22.1 degrees. And then it will continue to rise.

What I realise from the above is that currently Earth’s axial tilt lessens from its maximum 24,5 degrees to the present 23,4 degrees.
Also that the lessening will continue for some 12 thousand years, until it reaches its lowest 22,1 degrees.

And when the axis angle inclination is at its lowest 22,1 degrees, the Arctic cycle is the smallest. And therefore, “strong radiation is concentrated in the tropics.”
And when “strong radiation is concentrated in the tropics.”, then Planet Earth is in Ice Ages.

And, since currently earth’s axis is in the lessening the inclination from 23,4 degrees towards the 22,1 degrees slow millennials long pattern, Earth currently is in a slow orbitally forced natural cooling pattern.

And, what instead we observe, is Earth’s surface gradual warming.

The Original Milankovitch Graph

       On the right it is the Original Milankovitch Graph.

     According to Milankovitch Ice Ages are generally triggered by minima in high-latitude Northern Hemisphere summer insolation, enabling winter snowfall to persist through the year and therefore accumulate to build Northern Hemisphere glacial ice sheets. Similarly, times with especially intense high-latitude Northern Hemisphere summer insolation, determined by orbital changes, are thought to trigger rapid deglaciations, associated climate change and sea level rise.

       But Earth cannot accumulate heat on the continents’ land masses. Earth instead accumulates heat in the oceanic waters.

The Reversed Milankovitch Graph

     Milankovitch’s main idea was that the glacial periods are ruled by planet’s movements forcing.

     Here we have the grapheme of the Reversed Milankovitch cycle. The minimums in the reversed Milankovitch cycle are the maximums in the original. These two cycles, the original Milankovitch cycle and the reversed differ in time only by a half of a year. According to the reversed Milankovitch cycle there are long and very deep glacial periods and small and very short interglacial. The reversed cycle complies with the paleo geological findings. As we can see in the reversed Milankovitch cycle, we are getting now to the end of a long and a slow warming period. What we are witnessing as a Global Climate Change are the culmination moments at the end of that warming period.

The Original and the Reversed Milankovitch Graphs comparison

It is time now to have a very precise look at those  graphemes.

To start with I should say that they are only  fragments of the entire Milankovitch Graphs. Those tiny fragments describe a relatively small period of 50.000 years back and forth.

Milankovitch's work is much more extent. It goes to almost 600.000 years away in time.

What is the most important difference in those s graphemes is the way the orbital forced climate tendency approaches the present temperature conditions on the Planet Earth.

On the Original Milankovitch Graph the arrow approaches the year 2019 on the downward direction. (The 2019 year is at the point where the small ring intercepts the horizontal line).

At present Perihelion occurs in the middle of the Southern Hemisphere summer

At present Perihelion occurs in the middle of the Southern Hemisphere summer.

In the summer Earth's axis tilts toward sun. At Perihelion Earth receives 7% more intense sunlight than at the Aphelion.

This is because the Earth's orbit is not circular but elliptical, with the Sun located in one of the foci of the ellipse.

When we apply Stefan-Boltzmann Law we come to conclusion that at present, when Perihelion occurs in the middle of the Southern Hemisphere summer, Earth absorbs more solar energy and that leads to orbital forced warming trend.

It happens because North and South Hemispheres have an unequal distribution of land and oceanic surfaces.

The Southern Hemisphere is mostly covered with oceans (water) and the Northern Hemisphere is crowded with continents (soil).

As a result there is a major difference in each Hemisphere surface qualities. The surface is what interacts with incoming solar flux.

cp. ocean = 1 cal /gr oC

cp. land = 0,19 cal /gr oC

Let's apply the Rotating Planet Surface Solar Irradiation Absorbing-Emitting Universal Law:

Jemit = σΤe⁴/(β*N*cp)¹∕ ⁴ (W/m²)

We can see now that when insolated, the land emits more intensively IR radiation back to space than the ocean does.

It is just happening that way at present. When Southern Oceans are tilted towards sun Earth is at Perihelion (at closest to sun position).

At present more intense insolation (+7%) falls on oceanic waters. That leads to orbital forced global warming trend.

It all happens according to Reversed Milankovitch Graph.

And it happens according to Stefan-Boltzmann Law.

And of course the average global insolation remains reasonably constant.


Jabs = [ Φ (1-a) So /4 ] (W/m²)

What changes in the time is the Earth's surface IR radiation intensity. What changes in time is the intensity Earth gets rid from the incoming solar energy. 

That is why I say there is an orbital forced Global Warming Trend.

It is the 21.170 years Milankovitch Obliquity Cycle. Only the Milankovitch Graph should be read Reversed ! 

Milankovitch Graph should be read Reversed !

Of course climate changes.

And of course the planet's rate of rotation is almost constant.

Also Earth has a very thin atmosphere; Earth has a very small greenhouse phenomenon in its atmosphere and it doesn’t warm the planet.

The cause of climate change is not the Earth's atmosphere. The cause of climate change is orbital.

Milutin Milankovitch has explained everything 100 years ago.

The ( Ṃ ↓ ) represents the Original Milankovitch Cycle grapheme.

And the ( Ẇ ↑ ) represents the Reversed Milankovitch Cycle grapheme.

( Ṃ ↓ ) - supposedly this is the Original Milankovitch Graph. Please take notice of the dot under ( Ṃ ↓ )

The dot's position represents the present time, when Planet Earth is in Original Milankovitch Graph Minima:

The Original Milankovitch Graph shows a cooling trend.

( Ẇ ↑ ) - and this is the Reversed Milankovitch Graph. Please take notice of the dot above ( Ẇ ↑ )

The dot's position represents the present time, when Planet Earth is in Reversed Milankovitch Graph Maxima:

( Ẇ ↑ ) The Reversed Milankovitch Graph shows a warming trend.

Milankovitch had to reverse his Graph to match the instrumental data. But he didn’t have a time.

It was a critical mistake in Milankovitch’s assumptions.

Now it is time for us to make the necessary correction. 100 years have passed, Milankovitch agrees, if it is necessary, for us to make a correction.

Right now Planet Earth is in an orbital forced warming trend. And these are culmination times.

The very slow warming trend will continue for about a 1,5 millennia on. Then slowly and gradually the Global Temperatures will become cooler.

Axial precession is the movement of the rotational axis of Earth

What I have to complement is about the axial precession.

Axial precession is the movement of the rotational axis of Earth. According to the Milankovitch Precession of Equinoxes Cycle, precession has a cycle of roughly 21.170 years.

It is moving 1day every 58 years. So we have:

365 days * 58 years/day = 21.170 years

Precession doesn’t change the total amount of solar radiation that hits Earth. But precession primarily alters the perihelion and aphelion.

Overall, this increases the seasonal differences from one hemisphere to the other.

The warming trend we observe now started some 6.500 years ago. It is a very slow process. The MWP ( the Medieval Warm Period ) is a confirmation of the existence of a long warming trend.

The LIA ( the Little Ice Age ) was observed as a colder atmosphere and more snowy winters. Also the glaciers were increasing. On the other hand oceans continued accumulating heat.

It is a very long cycle. We are observing the Reversed Milankovitch Graph culmination period. It will last about a millennia and half and then there will be a cooling trend.

It is a culmination phase phenomenon. It is similar to the common Solstice we observe every year.. Around Solstices the day is almost the same, only very tiny changes can be observed. It is a culmination time of a year.

When day stops getting shorter and then it starts getting longer. A very slow and small changes can be observed.

The same with the 7.500 years long warming trend. It comes to its culmination now.

First it will stop to get warmer, and then very slowly it will change to a cooling trend.

But as I have said it is a very long and a very slow process. It will take some 1.500 years to complete.

That is why I say there is an orbital forced Global Warming Trend.

It is the 21.170 years long Milankovitch Precession of Eqinoxes Cycle.

Only the Milankovitch Graph should be read Reversed!

It is interpreted that there is an orbital forced cooling trend, which has been overcome by the Greenhouse Effect Gasses, and the Planet Earth is warming now instead of getting cooler.

The Reversed Milankovitch Cycle offers us the exactly opposite opinion. On the Reversed Milankovitch Cycle the arrow moves to the year 2019 point on the upward direction.

This is it! The Reversed Milankovitch Cycle confirms itself.

It describes an orbital forced Global Warming trend. This orbital forced Global Warming trend is a very long and a very slow process. The Warming is happening naturally. It is a coincidence in our era for us to witness the culmination moments. Earth will continue to be at those relatively warm times for about a couple of thousand years ahead. Then, gradually, the Global Temperatures will become cooler...




The Earth's axis tilt towards Sun at Perihelion

The Earth's axis tilt towards Sun at Perihelion 12.000 years from now

Polar Amplification

Earth is orbiting sun in a slightly elliptical orbit.

The couple of millennia now Earth’s perihelion is close to the winter solstice of 22 Dec.

As a result the Southern Ocean is tilted towards the sun on the southern summer for some time now.

It is a 21.170 years long Milankovitch Precession of Equinoxes Cycle.

What I did is to read the Milankovitch Graph reversed.

According to the Reversed Milankovitch Graph Earth is nearing the culmination period. It will last about a millennia and half and then there will be a cooling trend.

Here is an abstract from Wikipedia:

“Polar amplification is the phenomenon that any change in the net radiation balance (for example greenhouse intensification) tends to produce a larger change in temperature near the poles than the planetary average.”

So, lets highlight the definition:

“Polar amplification is the phenomenon that any change in the net radiation balance … tends to produce a larger change in temperature near the poles than the planetary average.

Earth has a very thin atmosphere without any detectable greenhouse warming effect.

What I think is that the observed Polar amplification happens due to the orbital forced global warming trend.

The Southern Ocean during the winter solstice is tilted towards the sun, because at that time there is a summer in the Southern Hemisphere.

The Southern Hemisphere is covered with oceans more than the Northern Hemisphere.

So the Southern Hemisphere, when it is tilted towards sun at the closest to the sun orbital position (Perihelion) is capable to accumulate more solar energy, than the Northern Hemisphere did at the same position about ten millennia ago.

As a result, Earth as a whole, accumulates annually more solar energy, than Earth was accumulating about ten millennia ago.

Arctic amplification is a result of the Planet’s continuous for some millennia warming trend.

Arctic amplification narrows the gap between Tmin and Tmax – that’s right.

Earth slowly continues getting warmer. Averaged around the year Planet accumulates more energy at present phase of its orbital cycle.

This period of time Earth’s Perihelion occurs at 4th of January.

And it will take 58 years to move the Perihelion to the 5th of January.

To complete a full cycle it will take: 58 years /day * 365 days = 21.170 years.

Out of ICE AGE and in to ICE AGE the planet IR emission patterns

A planet may absorb on the average annually the same amount of SW solar energy, but emit a little less IR outgoing to space, like Earth in current warming phase does.

And a planet may absorb on the average annually the same amount of SW solar energy, but emit a little more IR outgoing to space, as it happens when planet ventures into a cooling phase.

When comparing with the Perihelion point...

When comparing with the Perihelion point, which is at January 2, the solar irradiance Earth receives now is 7% less. As a result we have at the North Hemisphere much cooler summers and much warmer winters.

In 10.000 (ten thousand) years from now, Earth's axis will be pointing at star Vega, instead of Polaris at which it points now.

So in 10.000 years the Winter Solstice will occur when Earth is in Aphelion (it happens now with Earth in Perihelion).

As a result in 10.000 years we would have at the North Hemisphere much warmer summers and much colder winters.

A shift of 7% in the Hemispheres' insolation intensity will happen. Instead of the Southern Hemisphere (as it happens now) with its vast oceans accumulative capacity... there would be a +7% stronger insolation on the North Hemisphere's plethora of continental areas.

We know continents do not accumulate heat so much effectively as oceans do, thus Earth will gradually cool down, until a New Ice Age commences!

As for the current warming phase - we receive the +7% solar energy onto Southern Hemisphere's oceans... and oceans willingly accumulate the excess solar energy...

It happens so during the current Winter Solstices, when Earth is tilted towards sun with its Southern Hemisphere's vast oceanic waters.

Remember, there is NOT “energy balance/budget” a constant 100% equilibrium. The radiative flux does NOT 100% balance.

Earth is a dynamic system. Earth is NOT in a constant stable state of radiative equilibrium.

Solar irradiance intensity to Earth varies about 7% annually, and Earth’s annual temperature varies about some less than 2%.

But, there is more to it:

When Earth is farthest from Sun (Aphelion), it has its warmest temperature. When it is closest to Sun (Perihelion), it has its coldest temperature.

It is a scientifically measured and scientifically observed fact.

And it is the strongest ARGUMENT, which scientifically proves for the REVERSED Milankovitch Cycle the 100% RIGHTNESS.


Ice age CO2 reductions coincide with an increase in ice sheet extent

“Ice age CO2 reductions coincide with an increase in ice sheet extent and therefore an increase in global albedo, and this should result in further cooling of the climate. But what actually happens is that when CO2 reaches a minimum and albedo reaches a maximum, the world rapidly warms into an interglacial. A similar effect can be seen at the peak of an interglacial, where high CO2 and low albedo results in cooling. This counterintuitive response of the climate system also remains unexplained, and so a hitherto unaccounted for agent must exist that is strong enough to counter and reverse the classical feedback mechanisms.”






The Reversed Milankovitch Graph explains.

Milankovitch Graph predicts cooling trend. It is wrong assumption.

Planet is warmer when the southern oceans summer is at perihelion – when Earth is tilted towards sun with southern oceans.

Thus it is the Reversed Milankovitch Graph what explains the Earth’s current warming.



What Earth's surface does, is to still emerging from an ice age!

The Original Milankovitch Graph states:

"You get an interglacial when the Summer is warm enough to melt the snow that fell during the Winter.

You get a glacial period when there is not enough summer heat to melt the snow. Then each year the thickness of the snow increases until you have new ice sheets."



The Reversed Milankovitch Graph states:

You get an interglacial when Winter on North Hemisphere occurs close to Earth's Perihelion. The Southern Hemisphere's vast oceanic waters are tilted towards the sun, when Earth is at its closest to the sun.

Thus, as it occurs in our era, during the North Hemisphere's warmer Winter, the very much hotter Southern Hemisphere's SUMMER oceanic waters are heavily accumulating, and that is why we observe the current Global Warming.



Milankovitch Cycles and Glaciation



Earth in our era is in a very long term continuous warming period. This warming is caused by natural orbital forcing.

It is the continuation of the MWP (Medieval Warm Period). The LIA (Little Ice Age) was a phenomenically cold because of the intensive mitigation of sea ice. During the LIA period, Earth continued accumulating solar energy, Earth continued getting warmer.

And from the current temperature data there is no question that we are firmly in a steady secular warming period.


Every planet is subjected to its annual average surface temperature (the mean surface temperature) T (K).

The planet annual average surface temperature is a dependent on the planet's distance from sun value.

Of course it is dependent on the planet's radiative energy balance.

It is also dependent on the planet's rotational warming phenomenon.

And, in addition to all that above, the planet annual average surface temperature is a dependent on the annual planet surface temperature differentiation.

The less planet surface temperatures annually differentiated - the higher is the planet annual average surface temperature.

And the more planet surface temperatures annually differentiated - the lower is the planet annual average surface temperature.


In our times Planet Earth is in an exceptional annual orbital pattern, which pattern (earth's orbit eccentricity, when Earth is at its closest to the sun during the North Hemisphere's winter, and it is very much close to the sun at the times of winter Solstices...)

What we witnessing in Northern Hemisphere is the summers being cooler and winters being warmer.

The opposite phenomenon, (the summers being hotter and the winters being colder) which actually takes place in Southern Hemisphere, is being smoothed bythe Southern Hemisphere'svast oceanic waters areas.

As a result, at current times Earth's annual orbital pattern creates a slow lowering the Planet Earth's the annual average surface temperature differentiation.

This exact phenomenon is what creates the observed in our era the very slow (millennia’s long) continuous (gradual) Global Warming.


Our planet Earth is in millennials long continuous orbitally forced warming pattern.


When in warming pattern, a planet accumulates more solar energy than planet is capable to emit.

In planet's effort to emit that excessive solar energy so to establishing the radiative energy equilibrium, the planet average surface temperature rises.


When the planetary temperature becomes higher, then, according to the Stefan-Boltzmann emission law, the planet surface becomes capable of emitting IR (infrared radiation) more intensively.

Thus the mechanism of getting rid of energy does establish onto the planet surface, a close to radiative equilibrium (energy in =energy out) state.


The planet surface temperatures from Equator to Poles are very much differenciated.

Here it is when the nonlinearity of the Stefan-Boltzmann's emission law gets in action!


The Polar zone's temperature rises faster, than the equatorial, or the average planet surface mean.

It is the phenomenon of Polar Temperatures Amplification.


Due to the Stefan-Boltzmann emission law nonlinearity, the Polar areas (in order to get rid of the excessive incoming solar energy)...

The Polar areas surface temperatures rise faster - and it is observed in the melting of the ice sheet sea cover.


  The faster a planet rotates (n2>n1) the higher is the planet’s average (mean) temperature T↑mean:

Tmin→ T↑mean ← Tmax


What Orbital Phase are we in?

A huge scientific mistake asserts:

“We are currently in the middle of all three Milankovitch cycles, and are very slowly entering a cooling phase due to tiniest changes in Earth’s orbit eccentricity, axial tilt and precession.”

It is a mistake.
Not the cooling phase, but the in the culmination of the warming phase.
The cooling phase is yet to come.

It is like the Northern Hemisphere’s summer at the first decade of July.
We also, at first decade of July, we also slowly entering a cooling phase, due to small mitigation changes in the duration of solar hours…
But, nevertheless, in first decade of July, at Northen Hemisphere’s summer, the temperature instead of falling, continues to rise.


The HUGE scientific mistakes

Don’t we witness the seasonal warming and cooling periods?
Aren’t they orbitally forced yearly cyclical phenomena?



Below is the Milankovitch explanation of the mechanism by which a decrease in the amount of energy reaching the Northern Hemisphere cools the planet.


Glacial cycles are driven by the amount of heat reaching high Northern latitudes, which varies with orbital eccentricity and the relative timing of apoastron and the precession of the equinoxes.

During an interglacial enough heat arrives to melt Winter snow above 50°N latitude during each Summer.

The other 90% of the time snow persists until the end of each Summer and the next Winter’s snow falls on top of last year’s.

Over years the snow builds up into extensive ice sheets which can extend as far as New York or London.

Incidentally a change in global average of 4°C is sufficient to make the difference between ice sheets in Greenland and ice sheets in England.


Milankovitch explained the advances of glacial periods by the Northen Hemisphere's cooler summers.

It was a mistake. In reality quite the opposite happens.

When there are cooler summers in Nothern Hemisphere (as it actually happens in our times), then there are the Interglacials advances occur.

How do you classify a re-warming from the Little Ice Age as warming?

Well, it was not a re-warming. It was the continuous development of the same alredy present warming trend.

”Now explain the mechanism by which a decrease in the amount of energy reaching the Northern Hemisphere warms the planet”.


Pretty simple. Due to the tilt of the Earth, as we point out, at certain parts of the orbit, the Northern Hemisphere cools while the Southern warms. Since the Southern has a lot more ocean, that warming is retained more easily.



Milankovitch made a mistake, because in his time he witnessed a gradual cooling.

Ice has specific heat 0,5 cal/(gr*oC)
Water has 1 cal/(gr*oC)

Thus, at the period of sea ice intense melting, the average air temperature dropped, the land glaciers started grow – and planet experienced it as the LIA (Little Ice Age).

That period is over now.

S-B didn’t check their equation on the low and on terrestrial temperatures. But there is a huge mistake.

No other scientist did a check on S-B equation for the low and for the terrestrial temperatures. Which is also a mistake.

Because the Stefan-Boltzmann emission law equation doesn't "work" at the terrestrial, and at lower than terrestrial temperatures.

Scientists, who say atmospheric (~400 ppm) CO2 warms earth’s surface do a huge mistake too.

Another mistake is that the Earth’s surface specular reflection is neglected.

The ignorance of the Planet Surface Rotational Warming Phenomenon. It is a mistake.

Also, the incident on planet EM radiation, what is not reflected from a surface, doesn’t get absorbed in the surface (and warm it). It is a mistake.

The EM radiation gets transformed into IR outgoing EM energy.
Only a small portion of it gets absorbed in inner layers.


There are only traces of greenhouse gasses. The Earth’s atmosphere is very thin.

There is not any significant Greenhouse Gasses Warming effect on the Earth’s surface.

There is NO +33°C greenhouse enhancement on the Earth's mean surface temperature. It is a mistake.


So, we have the annual swings in Earth’s Global temperature.

Annually the Earth’s energy solar input varies about
90 W/m² during a calendar year.

Earth’s average surface temperature

is 2.24 degrees C higher when the Earth is much farther from Sun (Aphelion).

The global temperature swings turn out to depend more strongly on the warming & cooling of the land, than on the warming & cooling due to distance.

So, we are witnessing a 2.24 degrees C annual swings in global temperature.



A natural thought begs the question:

What were the global temperature swings ~ 11.000 years ago at Holocene's Optimum ?

Were they higher than 2.24 degrees C ?

Of course they were higher, and they were much-much higher, because continents heat up and cools down more than oceans.

The vast majority of land is in the northern hemisphere. The global temperature swings turn out to depend more strongly on the warming & cooling of the land, than on the warming & cooling due to distance.

But about 11.000 years ago the distance played a very significant role, because Earth’s energy solar input also varied about 90 W/m² during a calendar year.

About 11.000 years ago in January, Earth was much farther from Sun (Aphelion). In July, Earth was much closer to Sun (Perihelion). And the difference in solar flux between those two extremes was also

about 90 W/m².

So we have the proofpoint here:

When the global annual temperature swings are higher, then the global average temperature inevitably is lower.

So, at times of Holocene Optimum, instead of the allegedly said sweet warm global climate, there was a much-much colder global climate, than what we have in our era.

Also, since then, Earth is experiencing a slow, 11.000 years long continuous orbitally forced





A higher CO2 content in ice cores' samples

A higher CO2 content in ice cores' samples may as well testify for a much colder temperatures at the times the ice was formed.

At very low temperatures the CO2 got frozen out of the air, had fallen on the glacier and had sequestered in the ice - thus a higher CO2 content in ice core samples.

1562 kg/m3 (solid at 1 atm (100 kPa) and −78.5 °C (−109.3 °F))
1101 kg/m3 (liquid at saturation −37 °C (−35 °F))
1.977 kg/m3 (gas at 1 atm (100 kPa) and 0 °C

(32 °F))
